Graphic Designer / Visual Communication / Illustrator
About Me 

︎︎︎ Contact Me!

Jimin Won (circle)  

Jimin is a Graphic/Communication Designer based in Singapore and Korea. Born in Korea, but raised in Indonesia and living for the past 3 years in Singapore, Jimin has experienced various cultures, which have now become the source of her creativity. By meeting various people since childhood, she also learned that correct communication brings everyone together and that visual design is one of the most efficient and amusing ways to accomplish that. She believes that good design and content start from communication; between the users and also with co-workers. She continuously challenges herself in multiple fields of media and is developing as a distinguished designer in various spheres.  

︎︎︎About Me
︎︎︎Portfolio Contents:


2. Branding 

3. Graphic Design

4. Illustrations
5. Archive



︎︎︎ Series of commissioned illustrative works done as a freelance designer.


︎︎︎  Proposal for Green Building Campaign Character Design Competition
Designed a character proposal to be used for Green Building Campaign in South Korea
